Code Examples

This section is for python programmers you want to use the table widget in their own programs.


Create a parent frame and then add the table to it:

from tkinter import *
from pandastable import Table
#assuming parent is the frame in which you want to place the table
pt = Table(parent)

Update the table:

#alter the DataFrame in some way, then update

Import a csv file:


A class for launching a basic table in a frame:

from tkinter import *
from pandastable import Table, TableModel, config

class TestApp(Frame):
        """Basic test frame for the table"""
        def __init__(self, parent=None):
            self.parent = parent
            self.main = self.master
            self.main.title('Table app')
            f = Frame(self.main)
            df = TableModel.getSampleData()
            self.table = pt = Table(f, dataframe=df,
                                    showtoolbar=True, showstatusbar=True)
                        #set some options
                        options = {'colheadercolor':'green','floatprecision': 5}
                        config.apply_options(options, pt)

app = TestApp()
#launch the app

Sub-class the Table

Override the right click popup menu:

class MyTable(Table):
    """Custom table class inherits from Table. You can then override required methods"""
    def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
        Table.__init__(self, parent, **kwargs)

          def handle_left_click(self, event):
        """Example - override left click"""

        Table.handle_left_click(self, event)
  #do custom code here

    def popupMenu(self, event, rows=None, cols=None, outside=None):
        """Custom right click menu"""

        popupmenu = Menu(self, tearoff = 0)
        def popupFocusOut(event):
                                # add commands here
    # is a reference to the parent app
        popupmenu.add_command(label='do stuff',
        popupmenu.bind("<FocusOut>", popupFocusOut)
        popupmenu.focus_set(), event.y_root)
        return popupmenu

Table methods

You can use the Table class methods to directly access data and perform many more functions. Check the API for all the methods. Some examples are given here:

#add 10 empty columns
#resize the columns to fit the data better
#clear the current formatting
#reduce column witdths proportionally
#get selected column
#sort by column index 0
#enlarge all table elements
#set row colors
table.setRowColors(rows=range(2,100,2), clr='lightblue', cols='all')
#delete selected rows
#delete current row
#set current row
#insert below current row

Accessing and modifying data directly

The tables use a pandas DataFrame object for storing the underlying data. If you are not familiar with pandas you should learn the basics if you need to access or manipulate the table data. See

Each table has an object called model with has the dataframe inside it. The dataframe is referred to as df. So to access the data on a table you can use:

df = table.model.df

Examples of simple dataframe operations. Remember when you update the dataframe you will need to call table.redraw() to see the changes reflected:

df.drop(0) #delete column with this index
df.T #transpose the DataFrame

Set table attributes

You can set table attributes directly such as these examples:

            table.textcolor = 'blue'
            table.cellbackgr = 'white'
            table.boxoutlinecolor = 'black'
            #set header colors
            self.table.rowheader.bgcolor = 'orange'
            self.table.colheader.bgcolor = 'lightgreen'
            self.table.colheader.textcolor = 'black'
            #make editable or not
table.editable = False

Set Preferences

Preferences are normally loaded from a configuration file that can be edited manually or via the menu. You can also programmatically set these preferences using the config module:

#load from a config file if you need to (done by default when tables are created)
options = config.load_options()
#options is a dict that you can set yourself
options = {'floatprecision': 2}
config.apply_options(options, table)

You can set the following configuration values:

{'align': 'w',
 'cellbackgr': '#F4F4F3',
 'cellwidth': 80,
 'floatprecision': 2,
 'thousandseparator': '',
 'font': 'Arial',
 'fontsize': 12,
 'fontstyle': '',
 'grid_color': '#ABB1AD',
 'linewidth': 1,
 'rowheight': 22,
 'rowselectedcolor': '#E4DED4',
 'textcolor': 'black'}

Table Coloring

You can set column colors by setting the key in the columncolors dict to a valid hex color code. Then just redraw:

table.columncolors['mycol'] = '#dcf1fc' #color a specific column

You can set row and cell colors in several ways. table.rowcolors is a pandas dataframe that mirrors the current table and stores a color for each cell. It only adds columns as needed. You can update this manually but it is easiest to use the following methods:

table.setRowColors(rows, color) #using row numbers
table.setColorByMask(column, mask, color) #using a pre-defined mask

To color by column values:

table.multiplecollist = [cols] #set the selected columns

To clear formatting:


Note: You should generally use a simple integer index for the table when using colors as there may be inconsistencies otherwise.

Writing DataExplore Plugins

Plugins are for adding custom functionality that is not present in the main application. They are implemented by sub-classing the Plugin class in the plugin module. This is a python script that can generally contain any code you wish. Usually the idea will be to implement a dialog that the user interacts with. But this could also be a single method that runs on the current table or all sheets at once.

Implementing a plugin

Plugins should inherit from the Plugin class. Though this is not strictly necessary for the plugin to function.

from pandastable.plugin import Plugin

You can simply copy the example plugin to get started. All plugins need to have a main() method which is called by the application to launch them. By default this method contains the _doFrame() method which constructs a main frame as part of the current table frame. Usually you override main() and call _doFrame then add your own custom code with your widgets.

_doFrame method has the following lines which are always needed unless it is a non GUI plugin:

self.table = self.parent.getCurrentTable() #get the current table
#add the plugin frame to the table parent
self.mainwin = Frame(self.table.parentframe)
#pluginrow is 6 to make the frame appear below other widgets

You can also override the quit() and about() methods.

Non-table based plugins

Plugins that don’t rely on using the table directly do not need to use the above method and can have essentially anything in them as long as there is a main() method present. The Batch File Rename plugin is an example. This is a standalone utility launched in a separate toplevel window.


Freezing the app

Dataexplore is available as an exe with msi installer for Windows. This was created using the cx_freeze package. For anyone wishing to freeze their tkinter app some details are given here. This is a rather hit and miss process as it seems to depend on your installed version of Python. Even when the msi/exe builds you need to check for runtime issues on another copy of windows to make sure it’s working. Steps:

  • Use a recent version of python (>=3.6 recommended) installed as normal and then using pip to install the dependencies that you normally need to run the app.

  • The freeze script is found in the main pandastable folder, You can adopt it for your own app.

  • Run the script using python bdist_msi

  • The resulting msi is placed in the dist folder. This is a 32 bit binary but should run fine on windows 10.

You can probably use Anaconda to do the same thing but we have not tested this.